Monday, June 21, 2010

I need some help here!

Why do I sometimes get comments that come out like this:

日本avdvd 小魔女免費影城 無碼avdvd無碼卡通情色 情色論壇甜心寶貝貼片區 Show-live視訊聊天室 情色免費A片 情色偷拍免費A片 一本道a片東京熱avdvd影片 色美眉台中援交aa片試看 aaa片試看 情人輔助品成人網站做愛自拍偷拍 免費試看av免費成人電影 dudusex免費aa片試看 臺灣情色網線上免費a長片 0204免費a片試看 a片免費試看 a片天堂台灣論壇成人a漫畫 免費視訊聊天ing 免費視訊美女 aaa影片下載城 卡通aa片免費看成人影片分享 視訊聊天評比 104免費成人情色文學小說 視訊聊天網視訊電話ggoo 視訊-愛情館 黑色豪門企業綜合娛樂論壇 8591論壇 avonline免費a片 xo7777 net 貓咪論壇 視訊做愛 0951影片下載avdvd mobile01論壇 免費視訊ggoo 成人論壇 視訊聊天-成人網 plus 論壇 交友網 bbs論壇 s383av730 香港論壇 月光論壇 一本道 a片 東京熱論壇區

It is happening on all 3 of my I need to change something?  It doesn't happen all the time, but every once in a while.


Anonymous said...

On wordpress, I have a spam filter that catches this kind of stuff and puts it in a separate folder that I can empty. You might want to look into it, and see if blogger/blogspot has something similar.

joemmama said...

I run it through a translator before deleting it just to make sure I don't miss a real pal....I just wanted to thank you for stopping by and saying hello..I am very tardy with my visits,but as I recover, I will catch up!