Monday, December 31, 2012

Lincoln-my last book read in 2012

Interesting that the first book I read in 2012 was Jack Kennedy (by Chris Matthews) and the last book that I read in 2012 was Lincoln (by David Herbert Donald).  I find it even more interesting because I am not a big fan of nonfiction.  However, the lives of both of these past presidents fascinate me.  One of my goals upon retirement was to become a Lincoln scholar.  Unfortunately, that has not happened, but after seeing the movie Lincoln, my interest was renewed.  (BTW-the movie is incredible).

Lincoln by David Herbert Donald is an amazing book.  It is extraordinarily researched, and is based on Lincoln's personal papers and records.  It is a long book; however, it is a great read. I do have to confess that I found some of the book difficult to focus on, as I am not a person terribly interested in politics.  My interests always lie with who the person actually was/is.  And I thoroughly enjoyed those parts of the book that discussed Lincoln's personal life.  I have much more reading to do on Mr. Abraham Lincoln.

Anyone who is interested in Abraham Lincoln and his politics would find this to be a fascinating book.

[Just an interesting aside: I first learned of and bought this book several months ago after hearing Bill Clinton discuss it on the Today show.  He highly recommended it, and knowing what a well-read person he is, I trusted his word.  I was right to do so.]

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