Saturday, February 27, 2016

New additions on the blog site to check out!

I wanted readers of A Life of Books, my blog where I review books that I have read (or sometimes, just anything related to reading and/or books), to know that I have added two new features to the blog:

Search This Blog-this should allow you to search my blog for a specific book or author to see if anything has been written about either on my blog.  I am hoping that this will be a nice convenience for everyone.

Follow by Email-this should allow you to sign up with your email and receive a notice anytime I publish a new posting in the blog. It should be helpful if you want to follow all my postings.

Both features are placed at the top right side of the blog.

Please let me know if either does not seem to be working.

I hope these additions make following and reading my blog easier!

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